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 So I Created My Own Cancer Music Therapy 

Hello, I'm Lloyd Eddie the writer & musician mostly of background music used in films and commercials. I have carefully put together a short playlist of some of my music I still retain all the rights to, which may be of some benefit to those who are dealing with or have been affected by some form of cancer. I've had a few friends with different types of cancer. Some came through it, but some didn't. So, I decided to put chasing Hollywood Producers & Music Supervisors on the back burner for a while to see if my music would actually make any notable difference for people with cancer. My personal music therapy may not be what you might expect, but try listening to the entire playlist. The tracks I've included were specially chosen and arranged in such an order to rebuild spiritually & psychologically what the confirmed diagnosis of cancer seems to take away first. Your future. Plans, dreams...and confidences soon become question marks. You usually have little choice but to relinquish them over to your caregivers and to trust them to someday give them back. Or at least that was my experience. Lung cancer in both sides inoperable & terminal due to my heart condition. Initially, I was given 3-6 months before hospice would take over. That was over 2 years ago and now my tumors are actually shrinking. No surgeries, chemo or radiation. Healing with music and my Dr., but obviously all orchestrated from My Lord. If you would like to talk, let me know.

by Lloyd Eddie Perry

Doris and I after my personal cancer therapy music
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